Friday, November 26, 2010


The totals are in for Thanksgiving day.  O ate 80% of his feeding goal by mouth and had the rest supplemented by NG tube.  The report from the speech therapist on Tuesday was excellent.  No signs of aspiration.

We're hopeful to liberate him from the NG tube completely in the coming weeks. 

There's much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. 

Monday, November 15, 2010


O had his comprehensive hearing evaluation today by an audiologist.  His tests showed moderate hearing loss in one ear and mild hearing loss in the other ear.  The tests suggested that fluid in the middle ear may be to blame.  If true, this could be remediable.

He will have a follow up evaluation next month before he sees the ENT physician again.

Even before the evaluation, we had hope of a different texture that O would be ok (and so would we) even if he were completely deaf.  We won't turn down the hope offered today, though, even if right now he still doesn't seem to hear anything (no matter how loud E sings or yells).

To celebrate, here's a picture from Halloween.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

E Discussing O's Hearing Impairment

Oliver had his first visit to his pediatrician yesterday.  His weight is up to 9 lbs, 1 ounce.  For those keeping score at home, this is up approximately 1/2 lb since his birth almost three weeks ago.  He is starting to take a little more by mouth.  He's averaging 10-20 ml (1/3-2/3 of an ounce) with each feed which is better than the 1-2 ml that we found ourselves celebrating in the hospital.  

It's been a little difficult to know what Ezra thinks about his little brother's situation.  He gave mom a clue on the way to school the other day. 

Ezra:  "Oliver can't hear."

Mommy: "That's probably right."

Ezra: "I'm going to teach Oliver how to hear."

Mommy: "We may not be able to teach Oliver how to hear."

Ezra: "Get him batteries."

Mommy: "Batteries won't fix Oliver's hearing if he can't hear."

Ezra:  "Oliver has four senses."

So, in his non-chalant manner,  Ezra has demonstrated an understanding  that is consistent with the best of our knowledge at this point.  It's a relief in many ways that E has responded in this way.  We haven't had to do a lot of explaining or dealing with an older sibling's anxiety over the situation.  While I'm assuming that Ezra has not carefully considered the ramifications of having a deaf sibling, it's clear that this doesn't change how he views his brother for better or for worse.  Since E can count to ten in approximately five languages, ASL will probably be the next one.